SPEAG are pleased to announce SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0, our full-wave 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation software and specialized subpackage of Sim4Life V6.0.
SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0 is our latest answer to market and customer requirements for both new, effective R&D features and enhanced compliance evaluation tools. The highlights are:
more reliable wireless power transfer (WPT) R&D and compliance testing by importing measured files of DASY6/8 Module WPT that increase confidence in your results, reduce uncertainty, and eliminate the need for WPT device validation
significant speedup and improved workflows for 5G transmitter design with a streamlined general-purpose Surface-Averaged Power Density Evaluator that is fully compliant with the latest draft of IEC/IEEE 63195
full support of anisotropic materials
upgraded Python 3 application user interface (API)
fastest HPC/CUDA solvers for immediate results of complex configurations
Finally, the new release also comes with new productivity features and general improvements as well as bug fixes, making your simulations more effective again.
Feedback, as always, is welcome – we listen!
SAR inside ViP model Ella's hand from currents induced by a commercial WPT coil simulated by using the imported field distribution measured by DASY6/8 Module WPT as the incident field.
New ViP Hand Library consisting of 12 right hands and parts of the forearm: suited for dedicated simulation of the exposure of hands while grabbing the charging device (Hand library available in Sim4Life V6.0 only).
In SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0, the power density (PD) evaluators were thoroughly revised and unified in a single powerful postprocessing algorithm:
The new PD algorithm replaces the existing ones and is fully compliant with the latest draft of IEC/IEEE 63195 on both flat and curved surfaces.
Power density evaluation is now significantly faster (up to 100 times), thanks to a more efficient workflow and streamlined data structures and pipelines.
EM field data are first interpolated onto the discretized evaluation surface before surface averages are computed, in compliance with IEC/IEEE 63195. This discretization is created on the fly and its resolution can be easily controlled.
The PD algorithm can process data from SPEAG’s DASY6/8 Module mmWave and ICEy-mmW. Interoperability between the best exposure assessment products has never been higher!
Exposure assessment of a 5G device with SEMCAD X V19.0 and DASY6 Module mmWave 2.2: Watch the movie here.
mmWave compliance assessment in SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0: surface-averaged power density radiated by a mobile phone equipped with a 5G NR FR2 antenna array on the mmW-HEAD-P10 head phantom.
5G Toolbox of SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0 in action: simulation of the incident power density from a 25 GHz CPE router using beamforming.
Our robust octree-based meshing solution now supports refinement regions, which define areas where a higher refinement is requested. To allow for a smooth user experience during large meshing tasks, we have moved the meshing process to a secondary thread.
New Boolean operations have been added in SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0. The “Merge” operation can be used to create a multi-material 2D model from 2D outlines/covered regions. For use cases where, for example, devices and CAD/mesh parts must be meshed conformally to a tissue triangle mesh entity, a new Boolean imprint-like operation to create a patch on the target has been added.
Based on the great feedback about our “Image Slice Meshing” tool, which generates adaptive triangle meshes from a 2D (slice of a 3D) segmentation, we decided to incorporate the same automatic sizing into the Local Surface Remeshing tool.
The new “Automatic Sizing” of the “Local Surface Remeshing” tool within SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0 in action. It estimates the gap size in order to locally adapt the mesh size to fit a user-specified number of elements in the gap.
A new surface projection tool in SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0 allows the projection of model entities on curved surfaces, e.g., thin antenna structures onto device surfaces or an electrode array onto a model, providing highly interactive modeling and visualization functionality. In this case, a 5x5 microstrip patch array, for off-body applications in the millimeter wave frequency range, is projected onto the lateral abdomen of SPEAG POPEYE V10.
Parametric study of WPT exposure in SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0 with hundreds of simulations performed and analyzed from a Jupyter notebook.
A more comprehensive list of improvements, fixes, and new features is included in the Release Notes.
To experience the power and elegance of SEMCAD X Matterhorn V18.2 or for further information, please email us at semx-sales@speag.swiss or call us at +41 44 245 9700.
The relevant SEMCAD X Matterhorn installers for Win7/Win8/8.1/Win10 64-bit platforms can be downloaded here. Existing customers with an up-to-date annual maintenance and support plan will receive individually all pertinent information regarding the software installer download and updated licenses.
IMPORTANT: SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0 now includes the new Flex tools (upgrade to 11.17.1) thus, we kindly request all our users installing this version to uninstall their current license servers and reinstall the license using SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.0 "Install License" tool under "Licensing Tools" in Start menu.
SPEAG is committed to empowering our customers to reach new heights of productivity and scientific achievement by providing outstanding innovative software solutions, testing equipment, and service.
We strongly recommend that users upgrade SEMCAD X to the full Version of Sim4Life. If interested, please request a special upgrade price: this offer is valid until the end of 2020.
The SEMCAD X Matterhorn and Sim4Life Teams