SPEAG is pleased to announce the release of SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2, our full-wave 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation software and specialized subpackage of Sim4Life.
The new version not only comes with an improved user experience and a smoother look and feel but also with important new features, refinements, and bug fixes.
New features include:
5G Transmitter Design and Evaluation: user-defined codebooks (incl. phase configuration uncertainty) is part of our Maximum Exposure Optimizer which now supports synchronized features with DASY8/6 Module mmWave and full compatibility with FDIS of IEEE/IEC 63195-1 and 63195-2
IP protection: effective collaboration while protecting intellectual properties (IP) of key active and passive components based on a unique Huygens source feature; we are proud to announce that we will extend this solution in the next release such that it will not require IP protected simulation models of 3rd party modules but instead imports measured fields, i.e., model validation will become unnecessary and the simulation uncertainty will be even lower.
WPT R&D and compliance testing: enhanced functionality for simulating induced electric fields from measured data (DASY8/6 Module WPT), enabling large phantom and model simulations by avoiding errors from boundary effects during the Magneto-QuasiStatic (MQS) simulations.
Productivity Tools: improved Python 3 and VSCode extensions, making it easier to write, run and debug Python scripts from VSCode in SEMCAD X.
Finally, the new release also comes with additional productivity features and general improvements as well as bug fixes, making your simulations once again more effective.
Feedback, as always, is greatly welcome – we listen!
In SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2, numerous powerful enhancements have been added to the power density evaluators and post-processing of the 5G Simulation Toolbox.
The Power Density Evaluator has been updated to the latest version of the IEEE/IEC 63195-2 and 63195-1 standards; it includes minor changes in the naming of the different averaging definitions and additional features such as the ability to perform square-like averaging on curved surfaces.
The Power Density Evaluator can now automatically pad the input fields with zeros, to be fully consistent with the DASY8/6 system.
The Maximum Exposure Optimizer (MEO) now supports user-defined codebooks. Multiport simulation results of phased arrays that operate under a known list of phase configurations (i.e., with a codebook) can be used to quickly determine the maximum peak surface-averaged power density (mpsPD) across all configurations. Using an exhaustive search approach, the algorithm determines the mpsPD following the latest version of the IEEE/IEC 63195-2 standard, with no over-estimation.
Codebooks that carry some uncertainty on the actual phase configurations achieved by the device (phase shifters are never ideal!) can still be used with MEO. Optimization methods will be used to search for mpsPD within the range of uncertainty of each configuration.
Since the release of SEMCAD X V19.0 and Sim4Life V6.0, DASY8/6 measurements of phased arrays can be easily imported. In SEMCAD X V19.2 and Sim4Life V6.2, the algorithm that reconstructs absolute phase references of each independent measurement, so far only available for the DASY8/6 system, is also available. This makes the interoperability between the two measurement and simulation systems complete and seamless.
5G Simulation Toolbox in SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2: Maximum peak power density mpsPD is computed across all 55 configurations of the codebook of a 25 GHz validation device.
SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2 adds an important feature to export/import a simulation field sensor and use it as a Huygens source to simulate exposure scenarios, e.g., by including dedicated phantoms.
Electromagnetic fields of any finite-difference time-domain simulation can now be exported as a standalone Huygens source file. The resulting file contains field data in a chosen field sensor and can be reused in any other project as an incident field source for a Huygens simulation.
This feature makes it easy to split simulations of source fields (e.g., antennas) and exposure scenarios (e.g., phantoms) into several independent SEMCAD X (or Sim4Life) projects.
SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2 Huygens field export/import in action (5G, compliance):Project 1: full-wave simulation of fields radiated at 28 MHz by 5G phone with results exported as Huygens file; Project 2: power density absorbed by head phantom using Huygens file as incident field.
Simulation of SAR from currents induced in Virtual Population model Duke by a WPT charging coil; magnetic field measurements are imported from the MAGPy probe of DASY8/6 Module WPT.
SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2 appears with a polished UI design, providing an overall new fresh and streamlined look and feel.
In addition, V19.2 now natively supports high DPI screens.
SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2’s polished UI design that also natively supports high DPI screens.
VSCode, with its rich ecosystem of third-party extensions, provides a feature-loaded environment for writing Python scripts. It supports Jupyter notebooks and seamlessly connects to SEMCAD X’s Python kernel.
SEMCAD X’s own VSCode extension has been improved, making it easier to write, run and debug Python scripts from VSCode in SEMCAD X, even in the case of multiple running SEMCAD X instances. One can now also easily enable/disable the two-way link between a SEMCAD X instance and VSCode at the click of a button.
The VSCode extension also provides a convenient way to install and manage third-party Python packages, making it a convenient environment for developing scripts or applications with SEMCAD X’s Python API.
A Python script running from VSCode interacts synchronously with the GUI of SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2, allowing step-by-step execution and powerful debugging features.
A more comprehensive list of improvements, fixes, and new features is included in the Release Notes.
To experience the power and elegance of SEMCAD X Matterhorn V19.2 or for further information, please email us at semx-sales@speag.swiss or call us at +41 44 245 9700.
The relevant SEMCAD X Matterhorn installers for Win7/Win8/8.1/Win10 64-bit platforms can be downloaded here. Existing customers with an up-to-date annual maintenance and support plan will receive individually all pertinent information regarding the software installer download and updated licenses.
SPEAG is committed to empowering our customers to reach new heights of productivity and scientific achievement by providing outstanding innovative software solutions, testing equipment, and service.
We strongly recommend that users upgrade SEMCAD X to the full Version of Sim4Life. If interested, please request a special upgrade price.
The SEMCAD X Matterhorn and Sim4Life Teams