May 17, 2017

Major cDASY6 Release: V6.4

SPEAG is announcing the Beta-Release of cDASY6.4 that offers a multitude of assets and improvements, expanding the existing capabilities of DASY52. At the same time, it is already fully compatible with the upcoming standard IEC 62209-U. The final release will become available on June 20th, 2017.

The main new feature is the integration of four novel specialized phantoms, including (1) the Twin-SAM Chin-20 Phantom to access the exposure in the chin region, (2) the Face-Down Phantom for devices such as goggles or walkie-talkies, (3) the Head-Stand Phantom for wireless systems integrated in helmets, and (4) the Generic Wrist Phantom for wireless-connected watches, bracelets, or similar gadgets. Importantly, the new software also enables specific absorption rate (SAR) assessment in any other custom-made phantoms. Watch the latest video from our dedicated DASY-user in New Delhi, in which he demonstrates how it works, below. The Application Note "Measurement Procedures and Their Validation for Specialized Phantoms in cDASY6" provides further details.


DASY V6.4 will not only ease SAR compliance testing of wireless transmitting devices outside the ear-mouth area, but also includes several other important new features:

  • Time-averaged SAR measurement procedures: these facilitate testing of devices that can control the transmitted averaged power over time (a user video and the corresponding application note demonstrating this feature can be found here);
  • Improved fast scan comparison algorithm: a series of validation studies has verified that the algorithm is very robust and provides conservative results, all within the specified uncertainty;
  • Improved mother scans concept: the measured surface is now registered to the computer aided design (CAD) model of the phantom, allowing faster and more robust mother scans. Customers owning the old version of the teaching probe will automatically receive a new probe.

The software update will be accessible on our website (under “Downloads”) as of June 20th, 2017. For convenience, an email with the direct link to the download page will be sent to all DASY6 customers.

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