

ICEy-mmW is the most advanced reactive near-field scanning system for the compliance testing of 5G mm-wave transmitters with all international power density safety limits e.g., IEC/IEEE 63195, FCC, etc. ICEy-mmW excels all mm-wave scanning systems with its micrometer precision, optical 3D DUT reconstruction and unparalleled measurement automation. ICEy comes as a fully integrated turnkey system that includes all the components necessary for you to start making measurements on your device-under-test (DUT) immediately after professional setup and on-site training by our engineers.

5G probe iphone ICEy


ICEy-mmW consists of the ICEy-Base unit, the fully automated micrometer-precision scanner for close near-field evaluations as well as the TDS ICEy-mmW module consisting of an EUmmWVx probe, a TDS remote unit, a DAE4ICEy and tailored millimeterwave near-field scanning software.


Any millimeter-wave of near-field scanning for R&D purposes requiring highest precision

  • power density compliance testing
  • validation of millimeter wave antennas and other passive structures
Basic Configuration

The basic configuration of a ICEy-mmW system is composed of:


ICEy-Base is the basic scanning system to support micrometer-precision near-field scans with any ICEy system consisting of:

  • a four-axis (x,y,z, probe roll) precision Gantry positioning system – with total axis travel of 600 × 500 × 120 mm3, 360° (scanning volume of 450 × 450 × 115 mm3 absolute probe positioning accuracy of <±10 μm.)
  • a fully shielded and absorber-backed test chamber
  • a computer vision system for surface reconstruction of the devices under test (detection limit < ± 20 μm)
  • a high-performance industrial-grade PC for system control and post-processing
  • ICEy interface and motion control electronics
  • 24" LCD, mouse, and keyboard
TDS Remote Unit

TDS Standalone Remote Unit specifications:

  • DAE4ICEy link: proprietary optical link
  • input: TDS MU8 optical interconnect
  • output: 3.5mm RF connector
  • frequency range: 100kHz (10Hz) to 10 GHz
  • dynamic range: > 130 dB
  • P1dB: > 0dBm
  • return loss: > 10 dB
  • power and control: USB

DAE4ICEy specifications:

  • input: EUmmWVx probe interface
  • output: DAE4ICEy optical link
  • voltage range: ± 500 mV
  • input offset: <5 µV
  • power: battery (USB-C charger connector)
  • ISO 17025 accredited calibration
EUmmW Probe

EUmmWVx - Designed for precise near-field measurements in the mm-wave range. The specifications are:

  • frequency range: 0.75 – 110 GHz
  • dynamic range: <50 – 3000 V/m (up to 10000 V/m with additional PRE-10 voltage divider)
  • linearity: <±0.2 dB
  • supports sensor model calibration (SMC)
  • ISO 17025 accredited calibration

The ICEy software is optimized for accelerated and automated millimeterwave near-field measurements and offers:

  • a scanning mode that provides strong computer aided measurement planning based on stereoscopic images of the device under test with better than 25µm accuracy
  • fully automated scanning, including automatic probe exchange
  • integrated automatic system validation
  • an advanced post-processor for graphical data visualization, result overlay, filtering and data export
  • tailored mmW scanning and evaluation features
  • compliance testing according to IEC/IEEE 63195 and FCC requirements
API A Python interface allows the user to customize and automate the measurement process with simple or extensive scripts.  In-scan hooks can call Python scripts to synchronize external measurement and test equipment with the ICEy scan progress.
Calibration Calibration is performed in SPEAG's ISO17025-certified calibration laboratory.

see ICEy verification sources

Standard Compatibility

ICEy can be used for tests in compliance with:

  • IEC/IEEE 63195
  • FCC Requirements
Unique Features


EM-transparent probe

Miniature near-field probes

Forward Transformation


Automated and extendable

wide frequency range 10 GHz - 110 GHz covered by a single probe

non-disturbing millimeterwave near-field measurements

high spatial resolution

options to evaluate surface averaged PD on any surface (flat or curved) from a single measurement on the flat surface

Software guides scan setup and fully automated scan execution, software extension are possible through a Python API


Wide-band sensors

Miniature EM near-field sensors

EM-transparent probe

Traceable calibration

Micrometer precision

ability to measure all millimeterwave mobile communications bands with one probe

accurate resolution of the reactive near-field

no coupling of the probe on the device under test, 100% trusted results

delivering calibrated datasheet-ready results

quantifiable, absolute millimeter-wave results, ideal for device verification and validation

Compatibility Sim4Life
Product History See product lifetime

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