IEC 62209-3 Validation

Validation Antennas for IEC 62209-3 (AVALSET-3V2)


AVALSET-3V2 is the set of antennas and accessories defined by IEC 62209-3 to validate the performance of any vector measurement-based SAR system (e.g., array system). The manufacturers of these systems are obliged to validate the system if it is used for certification.

AVALSET-3V2 also empowers regulators and users to independently verify the manufacturer-stated specifications. Validation warranties consistent results, independent of the device being measured.


Validation of the performance of any vector measurement-based SAR system and verification of the uncertainty budget. 

Validation is in accordance with IEC 62209-3:2019 and the latest draft IEC 62209-3 that employs a more robust validation method.

Components Antennas:
  • 15 Dipole antennas: 300 MHz*, 450 MHz*, 750 MHz, 835 MHz, 900 MHz, 1450 MHz, 1750 MHz, 1950 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2450 MHz, 2600 MHz, 3700 MHz, 4200 MHz, 4600 MHz, and 5 GHz
  • 5 Vertical Planar Inverted-F Antennas, version 2 (VPIFA V2): 300 MHz*, 450 MHz*, 750 MHz, 835 MHz, 1950 MHz
  • 1 Dual-peak antenna, version 2 (2-PEAK V2)

* optional if extended cSAR3D frequency range is ordered

  • VDSV1 - Verification Dipole Stand for cSAR3D Flat / Quad
  • VAHV1 - Verification Antenna Holder for cSAR3D V1
  • Spring-loaded antenna holder
  • Mounting block for VPIFAs
  • Set of Validation Masks for Flat Phantom, Left Head Phantom and Right Head Phantom
  • Verification Dipole Spacers (5 mm, 10 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm)

Each antenna comes with an ISO/IEC 17025 calibration certificate. Reference SAR values are provided in the calibration certificate for each location and distance for any phantom type: Flat (MSL, HSL), Left Head, Right Head.

Additional Equipment Required  Power rack (purchased separately):
  • Signal generator(s) capable of CW and the required modulation configurations for the full frequency range
  • Amplifier
  • Power meter with two power sensors
  • Directional coupler
  • Attenuators
  • Cables