
Videos and Training

Training services are offered either on site at customers' premises or at SPEAG facilities. At the end of the training, you will be able to make precise dielectric measurements with ease.

DAK training covers a wide range of topics including:

  • Fundamentals of dielectric spectroscopy
  • Measurement techniques for assessment of liquids, solids, and semi-solids
  • Methods for reducing measurement uncertainty
  • Features of the DAK software interface
  • Use of the Python interface for measurement automation
  • Compliance with international standards

Please note that the videos show the old software and hardware versions, however, the principles of software operation have not changed. The videos will be updated soon.

For queries or for more information, please contact us at

DAK Product Line Videos and Tutorials  


In this video, Cindy from IT'IS Foundation shares her hands-on experience with DAK-R, compares its results with those of DAK-TL2, and demonstrates how their combination sets a new standard for broadband dielectric testing.


DAK-TL2 Setup and Calibration

DAK-TL2 benefits from a novel high-performance solver that it can directly determine the dielectric parameters from measured S11 values in real-time instead of using precomputed lookup tables. In combination with the new platform, the DAK-TL2 solver also allows the elimination of secondary artifacts posed by flange resonances.


Accurate dielectric measurement of thin solids and liquids in small volume

DAK-TL Introduction: 

DAK-TL allows - for the first time - the precise measurements of dielectric permittivity, conductivity and homogeneity of boards, sheets, foils and small liquid samples from 4 MHz to 67 GHz. It is a push-the-button instrument.

DAK Introduction: 


Overview and main features of the Dielectric Assessment Kit



Good measurement practices which help to perform accurate and reliable measurements



Introduction of the new, portable DAK system, the DAKS



How to install and use the DAKS