List of VNAs Compatible with DAK
In DAK-TL2 and DAK/S, the DAK software calculates the dielectric constant from the measurement on the basis of the impedance measured at the end of the open-ended coaxial probe connected to a vector network analyzer (VNA).
DAK-R requires a 2-port measurement and the upper frequency range of the VNA must be higher than 10 GHz.
Please note: The line impedance of all DAK probes is 50 Ω. To ensure compatibility, the line impedance at the output port of the VNA must also be 50 Ω. Please also note that some VNAs can be operated only with a GPIB-USB adapter; some older Agilent ENA or PNA models have LAN interfaces that are incompatible with VISA standards and, therefore incompatible with the DAK software. If your specific VNA model is not listed below list, please contact our customer support for more information.
Note: Support of obsolete VNA models is not guaranteed and must be investigated case by case.