MAGPy customers can rejoice: SPEAG has released MAGPy Version 2, which includes a redesigned probe and extended software. MAGPy guarantees accurate extrapolation of incident fields to the probe surface, support of pulsed and multifrequency signals, and estimates of all basic restriction quantities required by regulators. MAGPy is fully compatible with IEC/IEEE 63184:2023 and meets all the latest FCC and ISED requirements. MAGPy Version 2 can now also be used as part of the measurement system DASY8/6 Module WPT.
SPEAG released the first version of MAGPy in June 2021. It was designed to carry out reliable in situ compliance testing in the near field of wireless power transfer (WPT) systems or in the close vicinity of high-current industrial installations. The system is the most advanced device on the market, i.e., the only handheld device that reliably estimates basic restriction quantities and that is compatible with IEC/IEEE 63184:2023 Tier 3.
But we wanted to make the system even better, so we have redesigned the probe and extended the software to further boost its performance and its compatibility with the latest regulatory requirements. MAGPyVersion 2 with software SW V2.0 has major benefits:
Measuring closer to the source (7.5 mm vs 20.0 mm) and hence providing much more accurate and reliable extrapolation to the surface of the probe; this empowers field evaluations on the surface of the device under test, as required by FCC (TCB Workshop in April 2022) and ISED (RSS-102 SPR-002 Issue 2 published in October 2022);
Evaluation of periodic signals with non-sinusoidal waveforms and duty cycles, thanks to the implementation of the multifrequency processing algorithm and the peak detection function;
Addition of new basic restriction quantities, i.e., local induced electric (E-) field (required by ISED) and 1 g averaged specific absorption rate (SAR; required by FCC and ISED);
Dual usage of the system as a hand-held system (MAGPy2) and as part of Module WPT (DASY8/6 Module WPT V2.0), resulting in acceleration of the measurement by almost a factor of 8 and additional incident E-field evaluations compared to the first version.
Advantages Compared to Competitive Devices
MAGPy Version 2 is optimized for taking precise measurements of the incident field and the induced fields in the near field of sources:
Its magnetic field sensor has an active area of only 1 cm2 as required by IEC/IEEE 63184:2023 for precise measurements;
The close distance of the measurement sensors to the probe surface combined with gradient information empowers accurate extrapolation to the probe surface;
It is the only device able to estimate the following induced field quantities for Tier 3 assessment as specified in IEC/IEEE 63184:2023 using the gradient information from the 27 sensors:
maximum induced E-field averaged over 8 mm3 (e.g., ICNIRP 2010, ICNIRP 2020)
maximum induced E-field averaged over 5 mm (e.g., IEEE C95.1-2019)
maximum local induced E-field (e.g., HC Safety Code 6)
maximum induced current density averaged over 1 cm2 (e.g., ICNIRP 1998)
peak SAR averaged over 1 g of tissue (e.g., FCC, HC Safety Code 6)
peak SAR averaged over 10 g of tissue (e.g., ICNIRP 1998, ICNIRP 2020, IEEE C95.1-2019)
The evaluation of the basic restriction using the gradient information reduces overestimation of the compliance values by up to 40 dB in the near field of sources compared to standard isotropic probes (a factor of 100 for E-field and current density and a factor of 10,000 for SAR);
It allows entire recorded measurement sessions to be replayed, including post-measurement analyses and evaluations;
It can be upgraded to DASY8/6 Module WPT SW V2.0 for dual usage without hardware replacement and new calibration.
The video shows a first glimpse of the new probe design and the new features of MAGPy Version 2.
MAGPy Version 2 is optimized for in situ exposure and compliance evaluations at any location, including:
Automotive/vehicular/train wireless power transfer;
Industrial and utility (e.g., industrial welding, induction cooking, electronic article surveillance, and WPT);
Energy supply (e.g., installations and operators of WPT networks);
Ubiquitous devices equipped with WPT technologies (e.g., mobile phones, implantable medical devices, wearable devices, and Internet of Things);
High power/current electromagnetic sources.
To receive a quotation and for further information, please contact us at or via any of our sales channels.
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