Jul 27, 2021

Dielectric Material Database

SPEAG’s new dielectric database provides broadband material properties of our phantoms, liquids, and other materials used in our product lines

Knowing about dielectric properties of our phantoms is a key prerequisite for electromagnetic simulations and the accurate evaluation of the device performance. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that SPEAG has released a new dielectric database that provides easy access to broadband dielectric properties of the materials used in all our products up to 67 GHz.

2107 dielectric database mm

The new database builds on the success of the IT’IS database for tissue properties that are widely used for computational evaluations. It is structured into dispersive and non-dispersive materials. Uncertainty tables for solid and liquid measurements are also provided.

SPEAG’s dielectric database can be accessed on our website. Note that it will be continuously expanded as a general service to our customers