SPEAG responds to over-the-air certification priorities set by CTIA
Today, SPEAG released two new CTIA phantoms for over-the-air (OTA) testing: the generic ANKLE (GAPC-V1) and the generic CHEST (GCPC-V1) phantoms. In direct response to the certification needs of the wireless industry, and to the test plan priorities set by the CTIA, we have developed these two phantoms specifically geared towards certification of ankle and chest worn devices. They were developed in close collaboration with CTIA's OTA working group, combine high repeatability and easy-usage, and supplement our current family of CTIA phantoms. All our phantoms are fabricated from our standard proven body material, fully meeting CTIA’s dielectric parameters for frequencies between 300 MHz ‒ 6 GHz. In addition, high frequency versions of all phantoms are available for frequencies ranging from 3 GHz to >100 GHz.
The ANKLE phantom provides a well-defined test reference point for devices worn on the foot and lower leg. It consists of a generic calf and an anatomical foot and is equipped with a removable ground plane.
The CHEST phantom is optimized for testing of chest-worn devices such as mobile phones to wireless cardio devices. It complements our anatomically shaped POPEYE10 phantom series that are larger and much heavier but offer maximum flexibility and better representations of use cases. As for all other SPEAG phantoms, specialized fixtures and graticules for repeatable positioning are available for both the ANKLE and CHEST phantoms.
SPEAG is a long-standing CTIA partner in phantom design with over 10 years of experience in phantom development. Our existing phantom series ranges from generic blocks to full-body phantoms covering any wireless applications operating below 10 MHz to over 100 GHz. The proven quality of our phantoms has enabled us to maintain market leadership in standardized electromagnetic (EM) phantoms as well as the development of new EM phantoms ahead of standardization.
For more information on our expanding EM phantoms family, please contact us at info@speag.swiss and/or visit our webpage.