There is an increasing demand by regulators for rigorous and scientifically sound compliance testing of wireless power transfer (WPT) system below 4 MHz. New standards are currently being finalized for WPT that operate between 1 kHz and >100 GHz. While SPEAG's existing solutions enable compliance testing from 4 MHz – 110 GHz, the frequency range below 4 MHz was not covered until now. In order to close this gap, SPEAG and the IT'IS Foundation, together with several international research partners, launched a number of research projects to explore the coupling mechanism as well as the assessment methods and procedures. In parallel, SPEAG started to develop a new product line: the Magnetic Amplitude and Gradient Probe System (MAGPy).
MAGPy was specifically developed for compliance evaluations of WPT systems and any other strong magnetic near-field sources operating at frequencies of 3 kHz − 10 MHz with respect to reference levels but also basic restrictions. It is the only product worldwide offering this feature.
Today we are proud to announce the pre-release of cDASY6 Module WPT, the first product for our DASY6 system that is based on the innovative MAGPy technology.
cDASY6 Module WPT is designed to demonstrate compliance with the basic restrictions of any magnetic source from 3 kHz – 4 MHz with maximal precision and is fully compliant with IEC/IEEE63184 DPAS. As all SPEAG products, it is optimized for maximum precision and conservative assessments but with minimal overestimation. cDASY6 Module WPT allows to certify devices with up to 70 dB more currents than if compared to the reference levels.
How does it work? The video shows a first glimpse into the concept and implementation of cDASY6 Module WPT.
The system will be commercially released on October 13th, 2020 and can be pre-ordered already now. At the beginning of September, we will introduce MAGPy V1-0, the only instrument allowing to demonstrate in situ compliance of WPT installations with the basic restrictions.
For further information or to receive a quotation, please contact us at or any of our sales channels.
Your DASY Team