After listening carefully to feedback from early adopters of our 5G Solution, which combines our unique millimeter-wave universal E-field probe (EUmmWV2) with our advanced 5G Module, SPEAG has developed important new features. Today, we released 5G Module V1-2 that makes testing of power density in the very near-field once again not only easier, but also faster. Furthermore, evaluations are now traceable to the International System of Units (SI), as our dedicated calibration laboratory in the Z43 headquarters in Zurich obtained ISO 17025 accreditation from the Swiss Certification Services in May 2018 for calibration of probes at frequencies of up to 110 GHz. Our 5G solution has already been widely adopted by the industry and regulators, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada and is fully compliant with the technical report TR63170 of IEC and the latest standard draft of the IEC/IEEE JWG 12.
5G Module V1-2 combines the following new key features:
Fast Scans are used to determine the E-field pattern and, therefore, the anchor point and dimensions to be used in successive 5G scans. The scans reuse the optimized robot movements developed for cDASY6, which means that a whole laptop can be scanned in less than 5 minutes with a resolution of 2.5 mm!
Watch this video to learn more about this new feature!
The post-processing offers many additional features to ease the review of the measurement results. The field analysis feature assesses in which field region the measurement is performed, and determines if the measurement area is large enough for accurate power density reconstruction.
The averaged power density calculation, which was updated based on the basis of feedback from regulators, is now defined |Re(S)| or n.Re(S).
The verification released in October 2017 is fully integrated into 5G Module V1-2. Measurement templates can be provided on request.
The verification sources are meant to be used for regular system checks. A very stable signal generator is integrated in the verification kits for frequencies above 30 GHz. As such, no additional hardware is required.
Detailed guidance of how to use the new features are provided in our application note.
E-field measured with 5G Module V1-2 of the 60 GHz slot-array validation device
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