Last week, the semi-annual hybrid TCB Council Workshop was held in Baltimore, Maryland. The workshop went back to the usual format of three days of presentations, with one day mainly on Canadian and European regulations, followed by a full day of FCC updates, and several company technical presentations on the final day.
Dr. Alfonso Tarditi, Technical Research Branch Chief, presented the latest information on the revision of KDB 447498 that will include:
Dr. Tarditi also presented clarifications on the revised guidance for exposure assessment from wireless power transfer (WPT) devices in KDB 680106 v04.
Summary slide presented by FCC on April 17th on the planned revision of KDB 447498.
ISED’s RSS-216 Issue 3 about measurement methods for wireless power transfer devices is also under revision. RSS-102.SAR.MEAS is being updated with clarifications on time-average specific absorption rate (SAR) measurements, and RSS-102.SAR.SIM will be a new addition to RSS-102 with guidance on numerical simulation for SAR assessment.
In a presentation on European regulations, Michael Derby of Element highlighted that the EU acceptance of international standards has become stricter in recent years. One reason is to avoid problems with allowing multiple test methods for the same evaluation type. Another reason is the RED Directive mandate for testing under reasonably foreseeable use. The EU Commission is moving toward mandating that reporting of maximum uncertainty is required in harmonised standards.
The important take away is that the DASY8/6 Modules SAR, APD, HAC, and mmWave are already fully compliant with the regulations. SPEAG is confident that Module WPT V2.6, to be released next month, will also be compliant with all regulatory requirements. SPEAG will update the WPT Application Notes and Manual to provide guidance on testing that is compatible with the revised and updated regulations.
For further information, please contact us at or any of our sales channels.
Kind regards,
Your SPEAG Team