Layered Multi-Tissue Planar Phantom (Skull)

Layered Multi-Tissue Planar Phantom (Skull Tissues)

Layered planar phantom (skin, fat, bone, and brain tissues) for accurate evaluation and quality assurance of skull implanted devices



Precise and repeatable assessment of the communication system of skull implant devices; accurately representing the path loss in real humans including inter tissue reflections

Compliance Skin material dielectric properties compliant with CTIA certification standard "Test Plan for Wireless Device Over-the-Air Performance"

Skin layer manufactured from a silicone- and carbon-based mixture (color:Black) with dielectric properties according to CTIA definitions for hand phantoms

Bone, fat, and brain layers manufactured from high-precision, low-radiofrequency-loss or lossy plastic with dielectric properties matching the corresponding tissue

Frequency Range

0.3 – 3 GHz or >3 GHz